use of cassava

what are the use of cassava

Cassava is a root vegetable. People use the root as a food and to make medicine. Cassava is used for tiredness, dehydration in people with diarrhea, sepsis, and to induce labor, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Cassava root and leaves are eaten as food. Additional information contact our REP 


What are the top 10 health benefits of cassava?

Cassava is an essential drought-resistant crop used in tropical diets in indigenous Caribbean cuisine. In addition, farmers worldwide consider this tuberous vegetable as a blessing in disguise during food shortages. Cassava’s contribution to food security makes it highly demanded food and suitable for several other uses. Table of Contents 1.What is Cassava? 2.Comparative Analysis of Cassava 3.Nutritional Properties of Cassava 4.Cassava: Nutritional Facts 5.Health Benefits of Cassava 6.Ways to Use Cassava 7.Recipes Using Cassava 8.Cassava: Potential Side Effects and Things to Remember 9.The Bottom Line 10.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) You can do just about anything with cassava. Customarily, cassava is an excellent substitution for potatoes due to its similar taste and texture. However, the results are exceptional when served as a side dish or a snack. Today, technology has introduced fortified cassava to step up its game as a more nutritious choice. With a history of being cultivated hundreds of years before the Christopher Columbus voyage, cassava is now a staple for 500 million people. Indeed, enriched cassava varieties help alleviate malnutrition and are commercially valuable for starch-based products. However, the cassava roots provide relatively less nutritional benefits despite being a primary carbohydrate source. Moreover, you must consume cassava in moderation as it contains certain antinutrients that may stimulate adverse health effects. Nevertheless, cassava leaves and roots are a valuable food source for developing countries. What is Cassava? Cassava, scientifically known as Manihot esculenta, is a starchy root vegetable that belongs to the Euphorbiaceae plant family. Native to South America, cassava is a perennial plant with multiple regional names such as Brazilian arrowroot, manioc, or yuca. It’s predominantly grown in Nigeria, Thailand, Brazil, and Indonesia. Cassava grew in most of Tanzania, and its harvest takes place during the dry season. Although the consumption of sweet cassava is more common, bitter varieties are also available in the market. You can usually store them in their shredded or un-shredded form. You can interchangeably use fresh or frozen cassava. The mature cassava plant’s roots are extensive, while the addition of leaves into the staple diet is minimal.  The nutritional composition of cassava roots and leaves depends on the harvest period, age of the plant, and geographic location. In addition, the proximate mineral composition of cassava roots is significantly different from leaves’. For example, 100grams of roots provides 176 mg of calcium while the leaves provide 708 mg. The south zone of Brazil is home to both wild subspecies and domesticated cassava. People include them in numerous ethnic and national dishes to reflect diversity and versatility. In the sixteenth century, Portuguese traders introduced cassava to Africa to replace native African crops. Furthermore, cassava cultivation was introduced in parts of Kerala, a South Indian state, to substitute rice. However, its popularity rose majorly in Vietnam, Thailand, and Tanzania. Comparative Analysis of Cassava Cassava and Tapioca Tapioca is made from cassava starch. From a nutritional standpoint, tapioca falls behind cassava. It is devoid of gluten and is not rich in minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, or proteins. The only similarity between these two would be the high carbohydrate ratio. The extraction of Tapioca from the cassava plant goes through a series of washing and pulping processes. The remains are starchy liquids that you obtain from squeezing the extracted wet pulp of cassava. After the water evaporates from the starchy liquid, Tapioca flour remains.  Cassava and Sweet Potato Cassava and the sweet potato come under the class of tuberous root vegetables but do not share standard features and are not related. Therefore, their marketing is as different tubers. The varieties of sweet potatoes range from being firm with golden skin to a soft, copper-coloured appearance. The use of sweet potatoes is displaced mainly by introducing cassava since the latter contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin C. However, cassava supplies a higher amount of food energy in kilocalories than sweet potatoes. The calorific value per 100grams of cassava serving is 86% more than sweet potatoes. It also possesses higher fat content. At the same time, sweet potatoes contain more water content, protein, dietary fibre, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Therefore, sweet potatoes are a better nutritious choice than cassava. Cassava and Potato Cassava is famous as a nutritious substitute for potatoes. Both vegetables are starchy staple crops with similar tastes. However, they differ significantly in terms of appearance and nutritional value. The water densities, magnesium, and copper value are similar in cassava and potatoes. Nonetheless, cassava contains five times more folate, vitamin B2, and vitamin A. It also provides eighteen times more vitamin E. Moreover, cassava chips have less fat than potato chips. It helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Compared to potatoes, cassava roots provide higher carbs, protein, and calories. But, aside from these facts, cassava and potatoes are nutritionally very similar. These similarities are in the glycemic index, minerals, fibre, and macronutrients. Nutritional Properties of Cassava Cassava possesses multiple benefits in terms of health impact and nutrition. It is a nutrient-dense replacement in the snack aisles of both Western and Asian markets. Cassava: Nutritional Values The following nutrients are present in 100 grams of cooked cassava: Calories: 191 Fibre: 2 grams Carbohydrates: 40 grams Fat: 3 grams Protein: 1.5 grams Monounsaturated Fat: 0.908 grams Sodium: 205 milligrams Sugars: 1.67 grams Dietary Fibre: 1.8 grams Cassava roots are particularly rich in vitamins. The proximate vitamins and minerals present in cassava. Cassava: Nutritional Facts Glycemic Index Cassava possesses a high glycemic index value. The estimated GI is equivalent to 94 in cooked cassava. Therefore, it is processed to reduce the overall glycemic index to suit the needs of diabetic patients. For example, commercial derivatives of cassava contain a lower GI value of 46. However, cassava in its natural state has a high glycemic index. The high glycemic index in raw cassava is due to its abundance of starch. Calories Cassava has nearly twice the calories per 100 grams compared to other tuber vegetables. It is a tropical root crop with the highest calorific value.  Acidity Cassava leans more towards the acidic pH range. It exhibits a pH of 4.8 and tends to retain its acidity in raw, semi-processed and processed forms.  Uric Acid Uric acid is present in cassava leaves. The moderate amount of purine present in the leaves undergoes metabolism. This metabolic process releases uric acid as the end product. As a result, the extraction of cassava shows uric acid content.  Carbohydrates Cassava is higher in carbohydrates. The amount of carbs in cassava makes it a reliable energy source. Peeled and boiled cassava roots provide nearly 30 grams of carbs per 100 grams. Health Benefits of Cassava 1. Rich in Vitamin C Cassava is rich in vitamin C. 100 grams of cassava can provide 20.6 milligrams of vitamin C. It makes up for 20% of the Daily Value (DV). Studies shows that vitamin C supports the immune cells by preventing oxidative stress. It is well known as a miraculous ingredient in skincare products. For example, vitamin C has proven benefits in collagen production. As we age, our skin is prone to losing firmness and youthfulness. We start to show signs of wrinkles, fine lines, and dullness. It is due to decreased collagen production. Vitamin C serves as a vital cofactor in collagen synthesis, which helps to slow down the ageing process. Cassava’s vitamin C helps fight free radicals. Research shows that vitamin C exhibits antioxidant properties—these properties aid in repairing damaged cells and stimulate skin rejuvenation. People can combine the cassava roots and leaves to obtain the maximum effects of vitamin C. 2. Resistant Starch Cassava is a good source of resistant starch that mimics soluble fibre properties. Consuming an adequate amount of resistant starch improves blood sugar control and supports gut health. In addition, studies suggest that the resistant starch present in cassava nurtures beneficial gut bacteria. Cassava starch converts into butyrate fatty acid during digestion, reducing colon inflammation and boosting its defence mechanisms. A healthy gut and colon bring down the risk of colorectal cancer. 3. Serves as Energy Fuel Cassava is dense in carbohydrates. Therefore, it makes a good fuel source for athletes who require high carbs. Consuming cooked cassava after training can be carb-loading and restores the spent energy. Thus, it is a better choice for people looking for a recovery meal after high-intensity exercises. The complex carbohydrate chain ensures consistent energy supply as well. 4. Protection Against Liver Cancer Cassava supplies a healthy amount of magnesium. An investigative study shows that consuming higher magnesium levels reduces the chances of developing liver cancer. In addition, magnesium intake may prevent steatosis and steatohepatitis progression. These two conditions are progenitors for liver cancer. Thus, adding cassava to the diet ensures a good supply of magnesium. 5. Low in Sugar Cassava is relatively low in sugar. One hundred grams of raw cassava contains only about 1.7 grams of sugar. Boiled cassava also has similar sugar levels. Only 1.3 grams of sugar is present in 100 grams of cooked cassava root. However, no defined scientific evidence supports its use in a diabetic diet. There is an opinion that cassava’s low sugar value does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Cassava can be a good root vegetable for blood sugar management if you combine the benefits of low sugar and resistant starch. Nonetheless, there is still a debate on this claim. 6. Repairs Kidney Damage Elevated creatine can cause kidney damage and failure. Cassava leaf extract brings down the creatinine levels in the serum. It also reduces the toxicity in kidney nephrons—the high levels of carotenoids in cassava aid in restoring kidney function. However, a cassava-based diet may not be ideal for renal dysfunction. Cassava contains cyanide-based compounds that may elevate urea levels in the body. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with renal defects. Ways to Use Cassava Cassava: Preparatory Methods Raw cassava is poisonous as it contains hydrocyanic acid, cyanogenic glycosides, and other cyanide components. However, you can prepare cassava roots by peeling and cooking to remove these harmful compounds. Some serving tips for cassava are: Use a paring knife to peel off the skin until the white flesh is visible. Trim away any remaining skins or strings and immediately place them under cool water to prevent brownish discolouration. Boil the cut pieces of cassava to make it safe for human consumption. Boiling for about 10-15 minutes in salted water will make the roots tender and safe. Cassava roots can be waxed to increase their shelf life and eliminate the toxicity present in their skin. Baking and boiling are the standard preparation methods for cassava. It can be fried after a thorough cleaning and boiling to remove the natural toxins. Recipes Using Cassava 1. Cassava Cake Cassava: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Uses- HealthifyMe Preparation time: 2 hours Serves: 24 equal square pieces Ingredients Cassava (grated) : 14 ounce Sweetened condensed milk: 12 ounce Evaporated milk: 1 can Coconut milk: 1 can Sugar : 3 cups Eggs (full): 3 Egg whites: 1 Coconut (grated): 1 cup Egg yolks (For topping) : 3 Directions Preheat the oven to 325° F. Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix well. Pour the mixture into a large greased rectangular pan. Bake for approximately 30 minutes until the top layer loses its liquidity. Mix the topping ingredients and evenly spread them on the cake. After that, bake for an additional 20 to 30 minutes. Slice the cakes into equal squares after cooling completely. 2. Cassava Chips Cassava: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Uses- HealthifyMe Preparation time: 35-40 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients Cassava (sliced thinly in circles): 1 kg Salt: to season as per taste Vegetable oil: 250 ml Directions Fill the deep-fryer with one-third full of vegetable oil and heat to 200°C. Deep-fry the sliced cassava chips in batches. Take from the flame after reaching a golden appearance and crisp texture. Drain the excess oil on a paper towel. Season with salt and serve. Cassava: Potential Side Effects and Things to Remember Possible Toxicity Cassava roots contain methyl-linamarin, linamarin, and other toxic cyanogenic glycoside compounds. The linamarin converts into a poisonous hydrocyanic acid. Hence, consuming raw and undercooked cassava may lead to cyanide poisoning. It leads to headaches, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and even death. In addition, the substantially higher cyanide content in cassava’s skin and outer peels stands as a life-threatening downside. Tropical Ataxic Neuropathy Following a monotonous cassava diet leads to a chronic illness called tropical ataxic neuropathy. It is a category of diseases that leads to disability and spinal ataxia. In addition, poorly prepared and processed cassava retains its natural toxins and triggers chronic conditions. Higher Calories The high calorific value of cassava leads to unwanted weight gain and impacts cardiovascular health. Compared to other root vegetables, cassava provides higher calories (nearly 191 calories per 100 grams). Long-term consumption of calorie-rich cassava triggers insulin resistance, cardiac disorders, obesity, and hyperglycemia. The Bottom Line Cassava is a widely cultivated tuberous vegetable in Tanzania and Asia. Despite its high calorific values, cassava is a well-known substitute for potatoes. However, cassava can be a healthier choice due to its relatively high nutrient content. The roots and leaves are the edible parts but consuming raw cassava leads to cyanide poisoning. You can minimise the natural toxin levels of cassava by peeling the skin and boiling it. Nonetheless, it is a good source of vitamin C, carbohydrates, and resistant starch. In addition, cassava is easy to prepare and promotes good gut health. Furthermore, cassava’s drought resistance properties make it useful during food shortages.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) Q. What are the benefits of eating cassava? A. Cassava is rich in vitamin C and resistant starch. It is beneficial for healthy gut maintenance, nurturing beneficial gut bacteria, collagen production, and boosting immunity. In addition, you can consume Cassava leaf extracts for treating kidney damage.  Q. Is cassava and tapioca the same? A. Tapioca is extracted from the starch of cassava tuber through washing and pulping. It has limited nutritional value compared to cassava but exhibits similarities in carbohydrate levels. However, you can use both interchangeably to suit your needs.  Q. Is cassava poisonous? A. Only raw cassava is poisonous. It contains natural toxins such as methyl-linamarin, linamarin, and other toxic cyanogenic glycoside compounds. Cooked or boiled cassava is free of these toxins and does not cause any harm to health.  Q. What are the side effects of cassava? A. Due to the presence of natural toxins, cassava can cause cyanide poisoning. The potential side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and nerve damage. It can also trigger weight gain and cardiac disorder due to its higher calorific value.  Q. Is cassava healthier than potatoes? A. Cassava is a more diet-conscious option than potato due to its lesser fat composition. It is also rich in vitamin A, B2, folate, and vitamin E. However, both are nutritionally very similar. Therefore, people prefer cassava chips over potato chips.  Q. Is cassava acidic or alkaline? A. In its natural state, cassava is acidic with a pH of 4.8. However, it tends to retain its acidity even after food processing techniques. Q. Is cassava good for the kidney? A. Yes, cassava is good for the kidney as it repairs kidney damage and failure. In addition, clinical analysis shows that consuming cassava brings down kidney-harming creatinine levels. However, it may not be an ideal diet option for renal dysfunction since cassava raises urea content. Q. Is cassava toxic? A. Boiled or cooked cassava is not toxic. However, people should refrain from eating raw cassava as it contains cyanogenic glycosides. These are natural toxins present in it and can cause fatal cyanide poisoning.  Q. Is cassava good for cholesterol? A. Cassava has high calories and carbohydrates. Therefore it is not a suitable choice for people with cholesterol. In addition, the high calorific value triggers excess fat deposition in the body. It will aggravate cholesterol.  Q. Is Cassava high in uric acid? A. The purine in cassava leaves releases uric acid as the metabolic end product. Therefore, it would significantly increase the uric acid content.  Q. Which is healthier: Cassava or sweet potato? A. Cassava has higher calories and lesser nutrient density than a sweet potato. At the same time, sweet potatoes are richer in proteins, fibre, calcium, water content, iron, and magnesium. Thus, sweet potatoes are better than cassava, considering their nutritional composition. Q. Is cassava a carbohydrate? A. No, cassava is a tuberous root vegetable. But it is a good source of carbohydrates. Cassava supplies enough of a complex carbohydrate chain as energy fuel.  Q. Is cassava high in sugar? A. The sugar content in cassava roots equals 1.7 grams per 100 grams serving. Thus, cassava contains significantly less naturally occurring sugar. But it is not suitable for diabetic patients due to high carbs, despite having low sugar.   Q. Does cassava flour spike blood sugar? A. Cassava flour is dense in carbohydrate values. Therefore, it could cause an insulin spike and further raise blood sugar. This is because carbs break down into simple sugars during digestion. That makes the blood sugar level gradually rise after consuming cassava flour.  Q. Is cassava suitable for babies? A. Yes, cassava is suitable for babies. However, you should remove the natural toxins through cooking before feeding them to babies. Q. How do you remove poison from cassava? A. You can minimise the natural toxin levels of cassava by peeling the skin and boiling it. Boiling for about 10-15 minutes in salted water will make the roots tender and safe. Q. What happens if you eat raw cassava? A. Consuming raw cassava leads to cyanide poisoning. It causes nausea, headache, stomach pain, vomiting, and even death. Even poorly processed cassava roots are unsuitable to the human body. 

Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Uses

Cassava root is particularly high in vitamin C, an important vitamin that acts as an antioxidant, supports collagen production, and enhances immunity, among other benefits ( 4 ). Plus, it's rich in copper, a mineral necessary for neurotransmitter synthesis, energy production, iron metabolism, and more ( 5 ).

What Is Cassava Flour? Benefits, Recipes, and More

Cassava is a type of root that provides food for over 500 million people globally. Its scientific name is Manihot esculenta. It’s inexpensive and resistant to drought, pests, and diseases (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source). Since cassava is a rich source of carbs, its flour has multiple applications in the food industry. You can also still eat it if you follow several common dietary restrictions. Yet, this promising ingredient comes with a major downside when it hasn’t been appropriately processed. This article reviews cassava flour, its benefits, downsides, and a recipe idea for you to give it a try. Boontoom Sae-Kor/Shutterstock What is cassava flour? Cassava flour is a gluten-free flour made from the tuber cassava, which is native to South America and grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions (2Trusted Source). Despite cassava’s nutty flavor, its flour has a light or neutral taste and a fine or smooth texture. It is predominantly white in color, although you may find some with a light red or yellow hue, depending on the cassava variety (1Trusted Source). The process of making cassava flour can be divided into five steps: peeling the tubers soaking them in water for 4–6 days sun-drying or roasting them scraping off the outer layer grinding the remainder into flour Cassava flour is a highly versatile ingredient with numerous uses in the food industry, including in all sorts of baked goods, tortillas, porridge, pancakes, and gluten-free pasta and pizza. Manufacturers also sometimes use it as a thickener for ice cream, sauces, and dressings (1Trusted Source). Furthermore, its low moisture content gives cassava flour a long shelf life as long as it’s stored away from moisture (1Trusted Source). SUMMARY Cassava flour is a gluten-free flour made from the tuber cassava. It has a neutral taste, white color, and smooth texture, and can be used to prepare numerous dishes. Cassava flour nutrition A 1/4 cup (35 grams) serving of cassava flour provides (3Trusted Source): Calories: 130 Protein: 0 grams Fat: 0 grams Carbs: 31 grams Fiber: 2 grams Potassium: 2% of the Daily Value (DV) Calcium: 1.5% of the DV As you can see, cassava flour is a carb-rich food with virtually no fat or protein. To add to this, the little protein it may provide is of low quality due to its very low essential amino acid content (4Trusted Source). Therefore, people who follow a diet that relies on cassava flour should also eat protein sources, such as eggs, poultry, fish, meat, tofu, or legumes. Similarly, its low fat content means that it does not provide any healthy fats or fat-soluble vitamins. Starch is the main component of cassava and its flour. They contain two main kinds of starch: amylose and amylopectin (5Trusted Source). Raw cassava contains approximately 75% resistant starch, which is not absorbed in the small intestine but is fermented in the large intestine (4Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source). As for its mineral content, it is very similar to that of commercial wheat flour. Thus, substituting one for the other may result in similar mineral composition (1Trusted Source). SUMMARY Cassava flour is a high-carb food rich in resistant starch with a low protein and fat. Its mineral content is very similar to that of commercial wheat flours. Health benefits of eating cassava flour The benefits of consuming cassava flour products come from their high resistant starch content. However, note that few studies analyze the benefits of cassava flour itself. Thus, the studies discussed below report the health benefits of resistant starch in general. More research on the benefits and health effects of cassava flour is needed. May help improve metabolic markers Human and animal studies suggest that resistant starch may improve metabolic markers, such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which are linked to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source). NCDs are chronic disorders that appear due to a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioral factors. Some of the most common NCDs are type 2 diabetes and heart disease due to high blood pressure and cholesterol levels (7Trusted Source). Nevertheless, resistant starch may help improve your blood sugar control. It does this by (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source): slowing down the rate of digestion of foods, leading to a slower rise in blood glucose levels improving insulin sensitivity, meaning that your cells respond better to the hormone insulin Studies also show that it may help lower blood cholesterol levels (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source). May aid weight loss Resistant starch in cassava flour may aid weight loss by regulating your appetite and reducing fat mass. Human and animal studies show that when bacteria in your gut digest resistant starch, they produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These trigger the release of the hunger-reducing hormones peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source, 10). As for the effect of resistant starch on body fat, a 4-week study in 19 adults found that taking 40 grams of resistant starch per day significantly reduced two types of belly fat — the fat just under the skin and the visceral fat that lies between the organs (10). It’s important to note that this was a specific type of resistant starch that came from high-amylose maize, not cassava. In addition, participants took high doses. Therefore, it’s unknown whether eating normal amounts of cassava flour would have similar effects. May improve gut health Cassava flour’s resistant starch content can benefit your gut health in more than one way (11Trusted Source). Because resistant starch gets fermented in the large intestine, it serves as a prebiotic or food for your gut’s friendly bacteria (7Trusted Source). As a prebiotic, resistant starch promotes microbial growth, helping counteract gut dysbiosis — an altered microbiota — which has been associated with diseases such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, and colorectal cancer (5Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source). In addition, resistant starch in cassava flour may have a protective effect on your gut’s mucosal epithelium or lining by increasing production of an SCFA called butyric acid (5Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source). Damage to your gut’s lining may increase intestinal permeability, increasing the risk of diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (11Trusted Source). SUMMARY Resistant starch in cassava flour may benefit blood sugar and cholesterol control, weight loss, and gut health. Potential downsides Though it’s rare, consuming large amounts of improperly processed cassava flour may lead to acute cyanide poisoning, resulting in fatal consequences (12Trusted Source). Cassava is composed of cyanogenic glycosides that act as chemical defenses against disease-causing microorganisms and plant-eating animals. When the tuber tissue is destroyed — whether during flour making or animal chewing — the glycosides release hydrogen cyanide (HCN), leading to cyanide poisoning (13Trusted Source). Signs and symptoms of cyanide poisoning include dizziness, vomiting, rapid breathing, temporary loss of consciousness due to low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate. They may start 4–6 hours after ingestion (12Trusted Source). Research also suggests that chronic dietary cyanide exposure from consuming small amounts of improperly processed cassava products may lead to adverse health effects. These include a paralytic disorder known as konzo and a condition called tropical ataxic neuropathy (TAN), characterized by an inability to coordinate muscle movements (12Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source). The soaking and drying steps of cassava flour processing are the primary ways to reduce the cyanide content of cassava, with drying being the most popular practice (4Trusted Source). These steps promote the enzymatic degradation of cyanogenic glycosides. Yet, if the soaking or drying time is too short, enzymatic degradation will be ineffective, and cyanogenic glycosides remain high (12Trusted Source). Evidence shows that sun-drying seems to be more effective than oven-drying, as it may eliminate almost 90% of the initial cyanide content (4Trusted Source). In addition, fermentation may also reduce the cyanide content of cassava products (4Trusted Source). Therefore, adequate cassava processing during flour making is key to preventing these harmful effects. However, it’s important to note that, in most cases, outbreaks of cyanide toxicity have been mainly related to cassava flour made from wild cultivars of cassava (12Trusted Source). These taste more bitter and contain much higher concentrations of cyanide. Though experts don’t recommend them for human consumption, some farmers still grow them. On the other hand, commercial food preparation in the United States uses sweet cassava, which carries a lower risk (12Trusted Source). Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to buy your cassava flour from a reputable brand to ensure it has been processed adequately. SUMMARY Consuming large amounts of poorly processed cassava flour may lead to cyanide poisoning. Long-term intake of small amounts may also lead to adverse health effects. Yet, both may be prevented by appropriate processing methods. How to use cassava flour Cassava flour is an incredibly versatile ingredient that people use to prepare a wide variety of sweet and savory dishes. It makes an excellent substitute for wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio. This means that you could use cassava flour to turn just about any recipe that calls for wheat flour into a gluten-, grain-, and nut-free version. That makes cassava flour highly convenient for people with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or nut allergy, or those following a Paleo diet. However, since cassava flour is a carb-rich ingredient, it is unsuitable for a keto diet. You can use cassava flour to prepare almost every kind of baked good, such as bread, brownies, cakes, muffins, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, and donuts. You can also use it to make your own gluten-free pasta or pizza crust. You could also try these Paleo-friendly tortillas by following this easy recipe. Paleo cassava flour tortillas This recipe yields 10 tortillas that you can enjoy with your favorite toppings. Ingredients 2 cups (280 grams) cassava flour 1 cup (240 mL) coconut milk (or your milk of choice if you’re not looking for a Paleo or nut-free version) 1/2 cup (120 mL) olive oil 1/2 cup (120 mL) water 1 tsp (5 grams) garlic powder salt and pepper to taste Directions Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl to form a dough with a smooth consistency. Divide the dough into 10 small balls. Place each ball on a piece of parchment paper and pat it into a thin tortilla. Feel free to use your hands or a rolling pin sprinkled with cassava flour. Heat a frying pan over medium-low heat and lightly drizzle with more oil for cooking. Cook each tortilla for about 1–3 minutes on both sides. SUMMARY Cassava flour is a versatile ingredient that works as a wheat flour substitute. It can help you turn almost any recipe into a gluten-, grain-, and nut-free version. However, it is not a good choice for those on a keto diet. 

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