Copyright Copyright law protects the rights of music creators and owners. Only the copyright owner can perform or broadcast the music. Others can only play the music with permission, except under the fair use doctrine.
03/01/2025Songs often have verses, pre-choruses, choruses, bridges, and post-choruses. The verses contain the story, details, and information. The pre-chorus builds tension and makes the listener want to hear the chorus. The chorus is the main idea. The bridge is a scenic route on the journey. The post-chorus reminds the listener of the main idea without restating it.
01/08/2016Music theory is a tool to help understand and explain how music works. Music is made up of melody, harmony, and rhythm.
02/10/2016Legal rights Authorship: The right to be identified by name, stage name, or pseudonym Integrity: The right to prevent distortion, mutilation, or modification of performances Access: The right to access a single copy of an artistic creation that is in the possession of a third party
Learn More03/01/2025